Moped Speeding Tickets in South Carolina

Moped Speeding Tickets ARE on the rise in South Carolina. Police officers are issuing citations for speeding, operating a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement, uninsured vehicle, improperly plated vehicle, operating an unregistered motor vehicle and driving on a suspended license, even if they are carrying a valid South Carolina moped permit. Many mopeds are being impounded as a result of a stop for excessive speed.
You can be stopped for riding an improperly registered vehicle on a moped anytime a law enforcement officer believes the moped exceeds 30 miles per hour on level ground.
One solution is to have your moped speed restricted, and show up in court with documentation to prove this work was performed. In many cases, this results in a dismissal of most of the charges, and saves you about $1100 in fines.
Moped City,  at 936 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407 can review your moped's performance, and restrict the top speed to make it in compliance with South Carolina Moped Speed Laws.
If you have received a ticket for speeding on a Moped in South Carolina, contact Moped City. After a technician reviews your Moped's performance, they will restrict the top speed in the best way possible for your particular Moped.
Moped Speed Restriction techniques can involve the transmission, fuel system, and electronic ignition system, and there is no one method of restricting moped top speeds that works with all mopeds.